Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Just missed the "go to popular time".
Cannot go buy the books that I wanted edi. -.-
I could go by myself gehh.
Use my mountain bike. :P
Just that.
I don't have that crap thingy to tie my bicycle.
And my bicycle is..
The tayar sudah lou fong jorh.
Nidda pump air "pfft pfffttt pfffftttt" in. xD
Can't go to Popular without a transportation.
Stay at home LORH.
Do the NOOB sejarah projek.
Can find in internet HOR.. ?
Lam2 told me that.
"EH, you know arh, the sejarah essay could find in the internet tau?"
Then I said.
"Can MEHH?"
"Can de LARH. You know arh, every year the sejarah projek also the same gehh LARH."
"Oooo. Means that, every year after they think of this projek geh subject, they'll post in the internet de larh.. ?"
"Something like that larh."
No wonders!
Then Crazzy also talking bout this.
"Can find in the internet tau!" thingy.
Lemme go check first HAR.
Later I come back again. :P
I want beg beg beggy Mum bring me go Popular.
Go watch Transformers3. :3
Still got!
Today Wednesday usually the cinemas got discount gehh.
But I'm not sure that it's ALL cinemas or not LARH.
I only know that IOI MALL gehh cinemas got discount. (;

Really got EHHH.
But toooooo long edi.
Twice more than the words limit.
Later got time nidda do summary in BM series. xD
How to do.. ?
Ya know, my BM sucks. -.-
And I also don't know whether is this the one that green nerd wants.

AHHH crap.
It's too bored to be a Wednesday. :|
Maybe there's something I could do for this Boring Wednesday.. ?
Nvm that.
I want go Popular edi.
Buy books.. Buy books.. :DD
Enjoy the boring Wednesday! :PP


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