Sunday, September 26, 2010


Tuesday, September 14, 2010







Monday, September 13, 2010

Truth Or Dare

  昨天,我和朋友们玩了一场游戏,叫 Truth Or Dare 。大家想问的东西,当然是和爱情有关的事情。这次玩这游戏,没有人会错过这种难得可贵的机会。


  “Truth Or Dare?”
  “Truth.” 选Dare的话可没好下场!
  “Do you like Yang before?”
  “Yes.” 实话。
  “Do you still like Yang?”中·计。


  如果我不这么做,我会觉得浑身不自在。因为我始终不能对自己感情作出这种谎话。我会对不起自己,对不起众人,甚至对不起我喜欢的人。因此,我决定弥补谎言。如果当初,我没有犯下这谎言的话,现在我就不用面对这种事情了。Truth Or Dare中的Truth是要我们说出实话,但我却篇了个慌,我觉得我很失败。我觉得我只会说谎话,就连基本的“说实话”都做不到,我真该打。所以,我对自己发了个誓。我从今以后玩这游戏时,一定要说实话,不然,我下辈子会是一只蜗牛!

Friday, September 10, 2010

"One Day Trip"

Went to don't know where where where with family today.
This morning until just now only reached home.
Ahhh... Remembered where we went.
This morning our breakfast is dim sum.
Of course go out eat la... My mum also don't know how to do...
Then, we go to don't know where where to see my dad's property. House.
After that, we go to see some renovating shops.
My dad wanting to buy.
While my dad was going one by one around the shops,
we enjoying the little fish swimming across d water.
Then, we saw a river and wanting to stop and have a look for fish.
We saw a big fish. Black. Swimming in high speed.
"So many snails here. Take a plastic back here, I wanna bring them home to cook."
My dad talked in Chinese.
Shoot! What do he wanna do?!
My mum went to the car to find some plastic bags.
Oops! No plastic bags in car~
OMG... My mum took the equipment in car which you can put your water bottles in it.
It's like a tupperware.
Not in a minute, my dad caught many snails with bare hands.
Ewww... The snails are covered with greenish moss!
I saw many tadpoles. Likes dots swaying freely inside d muddish water.
My brother and I were investigating the brownish mud,
to see whether if something attractive that we could see.
Oooooh! Saw a plastic food tupperware floating on the other side.
My brother lied to my dad and said,
"Waaaaaaa! Here got one big snail!!"My dad was being lied.
"Really wor!" Har? Really a?!
Is my brother lying or is it real?
"Pa...There got a plastic tupperware, u can put ur snails in it."
"Ya hor ya hor."
Then, my dad went on the wood beside d plastic tupperware and wanting to get it.
" Wei! Come back! The joints are broken!!" My mum was shouting.
Dad won't care about this tiny-lipsy thinggy,
he got over the wood and got d plastic tupperware.
My brother washed it and gave it to Pa.
"Mmmmm... Fried it with ginger is the best." Dad said.
"You eat it yourself lah! So disgusting!" My sister, brother and me shouted together.
At last, my dad finally brought us to a restaurant for lunch.
Reached there, our parents allowed us to go to next door's pet shop.
Wow! We saw many pets like puppies, fishes, rabbits, birds, hamster...
Although they are cute but we are not gonna buy.
'Coz we've got too many at home.
We ate alot before going back to home.
Finally, we've reached home with tiredness.
Yay! Home sweet home!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Oooo yea...

Nothing special today... Just some normal Saturday activites like onlining.
Ya... Felt moody to day coz Bel took my fren, Paik Yee from me n left me alone.
One more thing, 2Y didnt come to training.
Dono watz wrong wit him but hope 2Y wont b going to pade forever.
Hopes that he'll stay at Stingray forever.
If he goes, I goes, too.
Felt like not studying... Very boring today.
Ooohhh! Raining.
Neh... This still can't change my mood today.
Yish... Haven't touch any of my homework now, busy.
Next week still got tuition for 3 days.
Need to work it out.
Study hard.
Make myself a pro, haha.
Tomorrow I planning to ask my parents to bring me to san shu house.
There got Arowana fish u know.
Waa... Very excited to see d glass "pond". Haa...
Maybe I'll bring my swimsuit n go there to swim as well, hehe.
Oh no... Haven't study yet.
Actually, I dono wanna start from where... +.+
If got suggesstions, plz tell me... ><
I never study at home before since birth.
Until now, I had to try hard.
Coz the award is at d 7As top there,
my dad is juz so cruel!
Y cant he give me 5As reward? he only gives me 7As reward!
Macbook, IPOD, IPhone... Can only choose one... sob... sob...
So hard... Muz try more harder than u've ever done it!
Yeah! Go for it! 7As mean nothing to me!
Only d rewards mean very to me!!!
Yea, Baby! XD

Oh My...

2Y a... Where r u?
Y this two days can't even see your shadow???
... Ya... I miss u ma... Cannot meh?
U wanna prepare for the upsr izt?
Or u lazy?
... I don't know anymore... Can please tell me?
Don't tell me that u r going to PADE a?!
PLEASE!! If u go, how about me?
Haixx... This year is ur dad's last year as d swimming club's president...
I scared that next year, u'll go alone to PADE...
No! I wont let u do tat!
If u wanna go, can u tell me as well?
Then I can still see u every day...^^
Allen always made d topic bout two of us.
On Thursday, he said,
" Ah Siew Hui a, Yang din tell u y he didnt come meh?" Allen said in Cantonise.
Oh!! I was like "huh?"
Den Allen said again,
"I thought u both always call each other 24hours?"
OMG! I din even ur phone number...
"I dont have phone number la... I only have house number la..."
"Then Yang call ur house number loh!"
What the hell... It's kinda weird tat Allen make us a pair on his own,
we r still under aged!
Although it's kinda paiseh when Allen talk about tis "love pair" topic~
I kinda like tis idea, coz I love u...
I don noe whether u like or love me, but I'm trying really hard to change because of u...
I'm eating chewing gums, u wan some, 2y, my love?

Friday, September 03, 2010




  干阿姨转回去时,我们三人——Annie 和Hotdog还有我就说,“她根本就是看了才选的啦!”“是咯!人家是先选才看,她就是先看答案才选,什么人缘啊……根本就是玩奸的啦!”“是咯!哼!”

  若若若,你看到了吧?这一点就是我讨厌她的地方。还有哇,她整天只会说她的Mr.X Mr.X 的东西,从来都不会问我们的事。哼!这种人啊,一看就知道她只会顾及自己,我猜啊,当车子着火时,她一定会不顾朋友们的安危,自己先逃为妙的!

  她虽然很将义气,但有时会抛弃我们,去和素纤她们一块儿玩乐的。像早上一样,当时只有Yan比我和ANNIE早来,阿姨不会像normal day酱,和我们一起“逛街”,反而去和她们玩。告诉你吧!这种人那,是不值得做朋友的!但身为她的好朋友,我们也只好容忍咯……

Thursday, September 02, 2010


Eeeesh!! Stop annoying me, ok?!
I hate u! I hate u! I HATE YOU!!!!
U always said that,"my birthday is next week, my birthday is next week"
Wat is this?!
R u giving me some tips or wad?!
Tell u something.
The kind of people I hate is they always give tips about their birthday coming!
Do u hear that?!
I din say happy birthday to u, do u nid tis kind of wishes?
Even if I had, it doesn't even meant anything special, just some wishes!
Yayaya, to a best fren, wait.
"Yappieeeeeee!! Y didn't u said happy birthday to me?" this is wat u said.
Wat I hate is, that ppl always reminds me about their birthdays.
I dont nid remindsssssssssssssssssssss.
I got brains, ok?
Ya, great gorgious glorious brains.
I juz don nid ur stupid brainish reminds!
If u hadn't reminded me, I wud hav gifted u a present!
Jus tat when u remind me, u noe wat kind of ppl I hate,
then my presents thinkings, ARE ALL GONE!
Your remindings made me hate u, u know?!
This is an infection!
Now in my mind, u r just an unknown person,
so just please go away, PLEASE!!!

Parents' Day n some extra chats

Went home early today at about 11a.m.
'Coz today got parent's day mah...
Felt pity of my friends becoz they havent go home yet.Haha.
Just now when I still at scol, Yan asked me to go wit her to give her mum a call.
coz teacher informed us to not tell our parents to come at 12.40pm onwards.
When we had chance to ask teacher, teacher let us n v go downstairs to give a call.
"Too-toot...Too-toot...Too-toot..." No one answered.
Yan called twice n then we go to the school-mini-book-fair for a silent little buy.
Both of us were crazy. Why?
Oh, it's because tat v asked teacher to go out juz 4 a call but after v'd called,
we go to d book fair silently without anyone's attention.
We brought paper stars, in chinese is what we call it 纸星星.
It's not done actually...u nid to make d star urself. Quite fun actually.
There's legend about it tat when u finished d 1000 paper stars,
u could make a wish n d wish'll come true!
I've heard of two rumours about it...
Another one is also about after the 1000th stars u made,
u gift it to ur lover, it meant to be, Forever Love.
Wow...How romantic...haha...jkjk
tomorrow i nid buy again. I want to buy another set, it costs only RM1.30
This one which I bought just now, costs RM2.
After v buy, I found out that d rm1.30 1 is more paper stars n cheaper than rm2 de.
But d rm 2's art is more special than d rm1.30
d rm1.30 1 is only some cute cartoons on it.
Well, I think that I might go n buy more tomorrow...Hehe.
Phew! Luckily that today's hw doesn't include d cruel chinese essay,
d chinese essay made me slept 4 only 6 hours. How cruel!
Btw, tomorrow is Friday, still got scol, n some more still nid scol tution. Fish!
Geez...Y don d parents' day make it to tomorrow?
This is better than today...==
Haiz...upsr is 20 days left, i juz nid to work it out...
Wish me luck, pal!^^

Wednesday, September 01, 2010




  “…… 我们去那边坐。”哈!阿猫终于肯走了啊?哈哈哈……看什么看!想找架打是吗?一脸黑猪样,我们这些漂亮的美眉就要被你看到变肮脏人啦!滚!就算是眼神也罢,总之,把你的臭东西从我们身上移开吧!你这臭阿猫!


  你怎么算的起是阿狗的好朋友啊?你根本配不起她!为什么?因为你是只笨猫!她是只傻狗!你没听说过bagai anjing dengan kucing着句成语吗?啊?不知道?!好,就让我来告诉你!猫和狗是不能在一起的!因为它们会互相厌恨对方,但你们两这单是非常特别的。是猫恨狗而已,反而狗却不恨猫,更惊人的是,阿狗竟然会五体投地地跪在地上任由叫阿猫的废物摆布!! 哇塞!惊叹惊叹!实在是奇闻怪事!得赶快去报馆分享分享才行!
